2020-21 Maverick Co-Ed Cheer Tryout Information, Scholarships available

Maverick Coed Cheer will be conducting Video tryouts for incoming and current Northern-Tonkawa Campus students.

To be considered in the first round of tryouts, all information and videos are due April 1 by 5 p.m.

It is recommended that candidates organize the required information and video submissions in a single email or link and submit by email to Coach Morrill at Karri.morrill@NOC.EDU.

Virtual Tryout/Submission should include the following:

1. Introduction – This can be by video or in letter (resume like) format.  List your name, age, what is your incoming classification (freshman or sophomore) and brief cheer history. Also, please include why you are interested in attending Northern and your academic goals.

2. Jumps – Toe touch, Double Toe touch, and jump of choice.

3. Cheer – Cheer of your choice.  Please be sure to highlight good motion technique, voice projection, and include a toe touch in your cheer. 

4. 8-count Dance – This is optional.  You can put it to any music or just counts.

5. Tumbling – This is optional. However, if you have tumbling skills you should highlight them in order to be considered for scholarship. Highlight your best tumbling skills. Standing and Running pass.

6. Stunting –  This is optional, but highly desired.  You can use current or previous stunting videos within within the past year if possible.  Please identify who you are in the video by stunt position, example: flyer, main base, side base, or back spot. If you do not have videos please list skills you have done and what position in your email submission.  The skills you list should be skills you could and WILL  confidently do at our first team practice. 

7. Reference Letter - Submit a reference letter from a current or former coach.

Please contact Karri Morrill if you have further questions by email.  Coach Morrill would be happy to talk to you about your interest in cheering at NOC!