Lady Mavs Dominates Murray

Lady Mavs Dominates Murray

Tonkawa, OK.

It took the Lady Mavs 39 minutes (Kayla Mireles) to open up Murray State's defensive posture during a match were NOC dominated from the first minute until the last one. Northern attacking game was a delight for the fans that got excited with every single scoring chance that the Lady Mavs created. Gifty Ayew Asare had an opportunity to score in the first half when she had a 1v1 with the goalkeeper but her shot was blocked. Mayra Vega hit the post in a couple of chances, Bekah Brantley also hit the crossbar in the first half. At the end of the first half the scoreboard didn't reflect what was going on on the field.

But it only took Northern 47 seconds of the second half to score again when Megan Mayfield made a great run in the flank and her shot was deflected by Murray's goalkeeper leaving the ball in the air for Kayla Mireles to head it in (This is Kayla's 4th goal in 2 games). Murray's defenders took the game to a physical level but this didn't slow down the Lady Mavs. Gifty Ayew Asare scored one of the best goals of the season when she conected the ball in the air and sent a rocket into the goal (this is Asare's 8th goal of the season). Northern kept the pressure and a defender fouled Megan Mayfield in the box which was called as a PK that was converted by Aubrey Welker (2nd goal of the season).

With this result Northern moves to a 5-1 (1-0) record and will be hosting Redlands Community College on Thursday at 2PM.

Northern Oklahoma out-shot Murray 25-0 in the match. The Lady Mavs registered 16 shots on goal.

Starting IX: Monica Davis, Aubrey Welker, Kariss Dunson, Morgan Medina, Marybel Garcia, Denise Diaz, Rachel Brantley, Rebekah Brantley, Gifty Ayew Asare, Megan Deshazo and Morgyn Knell.